Community Cafe
Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 9 New Street, Lawson, NSW, AustraliaCome out and share a cuppa with your local community. For more information please call 4759 2592
Come out and share a cuppa with your local community. For more information please call 4759 2592
Woodford Glen Landcare Group Woodford Ecological restoration of a privately owned Wildlife Refuge. Visit this group’s own website Year started: November 2007 Meeting day: Second Friday of the month, 9:00 am to …
Facilitated by Marilyn, this chair yoga class is a gentle seated class designed to develop inner strength. Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 9 New Street, Lawson For more info call 4759 2592
Art for Seniors Learn art skills or develop new ones. Be guided on different art process. All art abilities welcome. A place to socialise with others. 11:00am - …
Come along to our friendly Community Games Group. Wonderful company and conversation in a warm and friendly environment. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information call …
Every Friday from 7 pm - $3 entry per person. Come with a team of up to 8 players, or join one at the club. Winning team will get a $50 bar voucher.
Bush regeneration at South Lawson Park Visit this group’s own website Year started: 1995 Meeting day: Third Sunday of the month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Meeting point: The location of each …
The Mid Mountains Community Garden is a great place to share knowledge and learn new skills. Our regular Saturday morning working bees are an opportunity for everyone to explore the …
This group works at several sites around Wilson Glen including the swamp edges and behind houses in Pimelea Avenue and Buena Vista Road, Woodford. Visit this group’s own website Year …
Magpie Markets is a Lawson institution, and on the third Sunday of each month the town’s seams expand to accommodate the influx of sellers and buyers attending it. With over …
The Blue Mountains Bipolar Support Group offers a safe space for people to meet give adn gain support, share challenges, strategies and success stories. This group is for people …
This group meets monthly to aid the site with regeneration by removing weeds from the area using bush regeneration techniques. Year started: November 2014 Meeting day: Third Sunday of the month, 1:30 …